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allocation of risk中文是什么意思

用"allocation of risk"造句"allocation of risk"怎么读"allocation of risk" in a sentence


  • 风险分担


  • The parties agree that this is a reasonable allocation of risk
  • K . arrow . " the role of securities in the optimal allocation of risk - bearing .
    《在风险考量最适配置下证券所扮演的角色》 。
  • The contract law is the entia of economy contract law , international contract law and technology contract law . and it regulates the general rules of them , however , as to the allocation of risk loss , it just stipulates a little
  • As an allocation of risk , distinct from the damage breach , the charterer has no duty to act reasonably in order to mitigate its loss and to credit any savings in cost . chapter 2 expatiates on the construction of the off - hire clause and sorts into 2 kinds - net loss of time clause and period clause , according to the test of resumption of hire
    停租条款,作为一种除外条款( beinginthenatureofanexception ) ,按照英美普通法的观点,如果解释起来有争议,应作不利于租家的解释,因为该条款是针对其纯获利益。
用"allocation of risk"造句  
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